Friday, November 11, 2011

A Shop Update... at long last.

I've been working this week on getting all new photos taken with my new light box setup. Then getting the 300+ photos I took of the 26 items I have in inventory edited and cropped. Then getting listings written up for each item and choosing the best photos to represent each item. Then rearranging my Etsy and Artfire stores, since there are a lot of new features I'm not utilizing as it's been a while since I've done any housekeeping there.

Phew! So, it's been a busy week, is what I'm saying, I guess. I really need to get into a weekly cycle of this though to keep the workload more manageable. If I could do this in batches of five items at a time, once per week, that would be enough items to make it worth it to set up the light box yet not so much as to take up three full days of photography and listing.

If you feel so inclined (and I hope you do), go check out my hard work:
Gaia's Jewel on Etsy
Gaia's Jewel on Artfire

Without further ado, I present some of my favorite items that are finally getting their chances to shine on my storefronts...

I'm so glad to have these items up and just handling them has me inspired to do new work.